Printed Manuals

Getting a proper printed manual with new electronic equipment is very rare these days. Except for the usual “Quick Start” guide, if you want to know anything more advanced, you need to copy the manual from the supplied CD – or even have to download it from the manufacturer’s website – and view it on your PC or laptop or tablet.

That’s probably fine for equipment that’s rooted to the spot, such as a TV or audio system but for portable gear, it’s not really an option if you want to carry the manual with you.

Printing the manual out becomes an increasing non-starter the more pages the manual has. And, certainly when using an inkjet printer, it becomes less and less cost effective; especially when you consider all the things that can (and will) go wrong during the printing process. Even more so if you’re printing one side at a time on A4 paper trying to make a double-sided A5 book!

For times when you really want a printed manual, I’ve found a company that does a very quick and professional job for about the same price as it would cost to buy a similar book with the same number of pages.

Well worth a look: Print My
